I could not find any ruby examples of how to interact with the GData API to blogger.com blogs, so I decided to roll my own...
It is very rudimentary stuff, but it seems to get the job done.
The code is available here: ruby-blogger
Example Usage: Updated 12/13/2006post = GData::Post.new post.title = "test title" post.body = "test body" post.author_name = "frank" post.author_email = "frank@zappa.com" ### if you set the "site" option ### the client will try to autodiscover the service.post uri GData::Client.logger.level = Logger::DEBUG client = GData::Client.new(EMAIL,PASSWORD,{"site"=>BLOG_URI}) ## or you can set the service.post uri directly ## #client = GData::Client.new(EMAIL,PASSWORD,{"service.post"=>POST_URI}) client.save(post) post.title = "new title" post.content = "new body" client.save(post) ## getting post = client.get( post.self_link) ## deleting client.delete(post)