Paper Lantern Supports GData Protocol

I just upgraded Paper Lantern to support the gdata protocol. What does this mean? Well, it means you can use Paper Lantern to post to the new blogs!!!

Of course, it is unclear to me why you would not use ecto or the free bleezer.

But maybe you like the simplicity of Paper Lantern ?

Paper Lantern for Intel!

I finally built a version of Paper Lantern for Intel based macs. Next step is to add GData support…

beta la fea is out of beta, nice! I guess I should hurry up and finish adding GData support to paper lantern.

No Campaigns Are Local, All Campaigns Are Local...

The following quote from Danah Boyd’s recent article exploring the concept of friendship in online social networks makes me wonder how Youtube, citizen-journalism, blogging, etc will change campaign communication strategy.

When context is defined by whom one Friends, and addressing multiple audiences simultaneously complicates all relationships, people must make hard choices. Joshua Meyrowitz (1985) highlights this problem in reference to television. In the early 1960s, Stokely Carmichael regularly addressed segregated black and white audiences about the values of Black Power. Depending on his audience, he used very different rhetorical styles. As his popularity grew, he began to attract media attention and was invited to speak on TV and radio. Unfortunately, this was more of a curse than a blessing because the audiences he would reach through these mediums included both black and white communities. With no way to reconcile the two different rhetorical styles, he had to choose. In choosing to maintain his roots in front of white listeners, Carmichael permanently alienated white society from the messages of Black Power.

Because a blogger or citizen-journalist has the ability to … record a politician’s message and spread it to untargeted audiences, the politician risks alienating those untargeted audiences. Even in the broadcast era a politician campaigning locally could rely on the fact that his local campaigning would only be covered locally, and the politician could heavily tailor his message without fear of this targeted message reaching untargeted audiences. Nowadays, a blogger or an audience-member with a video camera can post snippets of video to YouTube and a locally-tailored rhetoric can seen and heard by audiences to whom the message was not tailored, with negative or unpredictable results…

Damage control that was possible in the past is not possible today. In the past, relationships with information gate-keepers could be leveraged to rein in a spreading message, either by limiting publication and broadcast, or by introducing or elevating a competing message. The media lanscape today makes these efforts useless.

Anyhow, these are just some thoughts that Dana Boyd’s article sparked in my mind.

Forward Together PAC implements OpenID

I hope to write a more informative post on the subject of Digital Identity and Politics, but for now I just have an announcement: Mark Warner’s Forward Together PAC is now an OpenID consumer!

What the heck does this mean?

Well, it means you can sign up for an account with the PAC with an OpenID, or link you existing account with your OpenID, and once that is done, you can sign into the using your OpenID !!!

Why is this important?


RubyLantern 1.0

I just finished putting together RubyLantern, a simple command line blogging client that uses my not-fancy ruby-blogger GData client to manipulate blogger posts…

Why make a command-line blogging client you ask?

I am afraid I do not have a good answer for that…

Isn’t it fun to edit posts in vim?

updates to ruby-blogger

Categories and draft status can be set like this:

p =
p.content="bar" = "" = "foo"

#set some categories (tags)

#make this a draft


I could not find any ruby examples of how to interact with the GData API to blogs, so I decided to roll my own...

It is very rudimentary stuff, but it seems to get the job done.

The code is available here: ruby-blogger

Example Usage: Updated 12/13/2006
post =
post.title = "test title"
post.body = "test body"
post.author_name = "frank"
post.author_email = ""

### if you set the "site" option
### the client will try to autodiscover the uri
GData::Client.logger.level = Logger::DEBUG
client =,PASSWORD,{"site"=>BLOG_URI})

## or you can set the uri directly ##
#client =,PASSWORD,{""=>POST_URI})

post.title = "new title"
post.content = "new body"

## getting
post = client.get( post.self_link)

## deleting


I have put together a rudimentary ruby client for the 3jam api.

It implements the 3jam.friends.getList and 3jam.conversations.startNew methods.

The source code is available from my svn repo at

Also, I have put together an example rails app that uses the api