The Adventures of Scarf and Squid


stelmosbaldheadedlaptopguy, originally uploaded by Pablo Mercado.

@ St. Elmos

@ St. Elmos, originally uploaded by Pablo Mercado.


Trubba, originally uploaded by Pablo Mercado.

No Trubba

No Trubba, originally uploaded by Pablo Mercado.

A donde van los desaparecidos?

The Samurai With The Umbrella - Chapter 3: The Black Toenail

The Samurai with the Umbrella has a cursed right foot and is doomed to stub his toe every day of his life and to miss important penalty-kicks.

This toe-stubbing usually happens when he is carrying a big bowl of Udon noodles in the presence of a lady. However, on several occasions a timely trip has saved his life- like the time he was ambushed by The Sixteen Swordsmen of the No-Shadow Clan.

The Clan had him cornered in the marketplace and were closing in for the kill when The Samurai stubbed his toe on a piece of fire-wood and bumped into a huge tub of dish-water that spilled onto the chicken-seller's fire pit and created a huge fog of steam and smoke that allowed our hero to escape to the safety...

el samurai con el paraguas: capitulo dos - el pajaro azul

Why does a blue bird keep landing on the samurai's head? Where is it leading him? What is the best way to clean bird poop off of a wicker hat? Find out in the next chapter of the The Samurai With The Umbrella!